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Grantor Retained Annuity Trust

With a grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT), you can transfer wealth while minimizing tax liability for your beneficiaries and heirs or charitable institutions. Although GRATs are particularly useful for individuals with larger estates, anyone can use a GRAT in their estate plan.

It is never too early to design an estate plan that fits your needs and allows you to reach your goals. You worked hard to accumulate wealth and want to pass along as much of it as possible. A GRAT could be an effective means of doing that. At Pennington Law, PLLC, our experienced estate-planning attorneys will answer all your estate planning questions, including whether a GRAT is right for you.

We want to give you the peace of mind you deserve as you make arrangements for your financial future while providing security for your family. Contact us today to speak with a grantor retained annuity trust attorney.

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Who Should Consider a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust?

People with large estates subject to significant tax consequences may benefit from using a GRAT. However, you must be willing to give up ownership and control of the assets transferred to the GRAT.

Suppose you want to maintain control of your assets during your lifetime. In that case, your attorney may not recommend using a GRAT because a GRAT is an irrevocable trust that cannot be amended. However, a GRAT can provide peace of mind for the grantor because they can rest assured that the assets transferred into the GRAT will be distributed to the intended beneficiaries.

A GRAT is a good option for someone looking for a low-risk estate planning strategy. Because the grantor retains an annuity interest in the trust, there is little risk of losing the transferred assets.

What Is a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT)?

A grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT) is an irrevocable trust that allows the grantor to transfer assets out of their estate while having an annuity interest in the trust for a fixed period.

Between the time the assets are transferred to the GRAT and the expiration of the trust’s initial term, the trustee of the GRAT pays the grantor an annual annuity amount. The initial term is typically two to 10 years. At the end of the term, any remaining assets in the trust pass to the beneficiaries, typically the grantor’s children or other family members.

A GRAT allows the grantor to effectively maintain the value of assets and convey future appreciation to their beneficiaries and heirs without tax liability. During the term of the GRAT, the grantor pays any federal income tax on the GRAT’s income.

One of the main advantages of a GRAT is that it can help minimize estate taxes. If the assets in the trust appreciate at a rate higher than the IRS assumed rate (also called the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 7520 rate), the excess appreciation passes to beneficiaries free of gift or estate taxes. The assets with the most significant potential for appreciation in value offer the best opportunity for success, both in terms of annuity payments to the grantor and less tax liability to the trust beneficiaries.

The assets commonly transferred to a GRAT include income-producing assets such as stock or other securities, real estate, business interests, and intellectual property. A West Valley Arizona grantor retained annuity trusts attorney can assist you in determining which of your assets would be best suited for transfer to a GRAT.

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Grantor Retained Annuity Trust Pros and Cons

Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts
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An estate planning attorney will evaluate your financial portfolio and help you weigh the pros and cons of creating a GRAT. It can be an excellent way to minimize estate and gift taxes, and it can also provide you with means of income during retirement.

In general, the benefits of a GRAT include the following:

  • High Likelihood of Success – If interest rates are low, a GRAT will likely be successful if the assets produce income or significantly appreciate as expected. A GRAT provides the means to transfer large amounts of money to the grantor’s beneficiaries without estate or gift taxes.
  • Flexibility – A GRAT can be structured to meet the grantor’s and their beneficiaries’ specific needs, including the length of the trust term, the amount of the annuity payments, and the assets transferred.
  • Steady Income Stream – The grantor can receive regular annuity payments from the trust during the trust term.
  • Low Risk – Because the grantor retains an annuity interest in the trust, there is little risk of losing the transferred assets.

Your GRAT will be successful if you live longer than the GRAT term and the GRAT assets appreciate at a rate higher than the IRC Section 7520 rate. Under these circumstances, the appreciated assets remain in the trust and are distributed without estate or gift taxes.

Despite its benefits, GRATs are also subject to the following drawbacks:

  • Risk of Death of the Grantor – If the grantor dies before the end of the initial term and before the annuity payments end, the total value of the GRAT is included in the grantor’s estate and, therefore, subject to taxation. To avoid this scenario, select the appropriate number of years in the term so that the grantor lives beyond the end of the term.
  • Low Property Value – If the earnings and appreciation of the trust property are less than the IRC Section 7520 rate, the estate does not realize any tax savings.
  • Inadequate IncomeSome of the trust principal must be liquidated to fund the annuity if the trust property fails to produce enough income. Accordingly, fund the GRAT with assets expected to produce sufficient income.
  • Limited Control – Once assets are transferred to a GRAT, the grantor gives up control and ownership.
  • Complexity – GRATs can be complex and require careful planning and execution to ensure they achieve their intended tax benefits.
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Must I Have a High Net Worth to Take Advantage of a GRAT?

Must I Have a High Net Worth to Take Advantage of a GRAT

No, you do not have to have a high net worth to establish a GRAT. Although it often benefits clients with high net worth, anyone can use a GRAT to lower their future estate tax liability. The primary purpose of a GRAT is to transfer assets to the grantor’s beneficiaries while minimizing estate taxes, which can benefit individuals with estates of all sizes.

Even for those who do not have large estates, if you regularly gift money to your family and beneficiaries, a GRAT may be a helpful estate planning tool for you. If you intend to make gifts that exceed the $15,000 annual federal gift tax exemption, a GRAT might be a great way to avoid gift tax liability for gifts over that exemption amount.

Ultimately, whether a GRAT is appropriate for your circumstances depends on various factors, including your goals, the size and composition of your estate, and your risk tolerance. Working with a qualified West Valley Arizona estate planning attorney and financial professional is crucial to determine whether a GRAT suits your needs.


How to Set Up a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust

An experienced estate planning attorney at Pennington Law, PLLC, can help you set up a GRAT that best serves you and your family. We have experience with this type of trust and can assist you in drafting the necessary legal documents if we determine that a GRAT is right for you.

Should you decide to move forward with setting up a GRAT, we will determine the trust term and the amount of annuity payments you will receive. The annuity payments must be high enough to reduce the transferred assets’ taxable value but low enough to provide a significant gift tax reduction. Once the trust is established, the grantor must transfer assets to the trust. The assets must be valued appropriately and documented for tax purposes.

Be sure to advise your attorney of any interests you may have in an LLC or partnership. These business interests may qualify for a valuation discount, meaning they will be valued less than the actual value of the underlying assets for tax purposes. The discount amount varies, and a qualified appraisal is necessary. However, a valuation discount strengthens the GRAT. That’s because a lower initial value for the trust means the annuity payments will be lower, making it easier to successfully exceed the IRC Section 7520 rate.

Contact a West Valley Arizona Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts Lawyer Today

At Pennington Law, PLLC, we are prepared to meet with you to review your available estate planning options to secure and transfer your wealth successfully. We understand that making estate planning decisions can be emotional and challenging, so we strive to offer our clients legal advice with a compassionate and personal touch.

If you have questions about GRATs or other estate planning tools, contact our office today to get started with a free consultation.

Andre L. Pennington, Esq. Photo