Deferred Sales Trusts vs. Conventional Installment Sales

Investors often seek ways to defer capital gains taxes when selling highly appreciated assets. Conventional installment sales and deferred sales trusts (DSTs) are two popular methods for achieving this goal. At Pennington Law, PLLC, we have a thorough understanding of these financial strategies and their impact on your estate planning goals. Our experienced Arizona estate planning lawyers can help you decide between these options so you can secure your wealth and transfer assets according to your intentions. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the optimal approach for your situation. 

How Does a Deferred Sales Trust Differ from a Conventional Installment Sale?

Both deferred sales trusts and conventional installment sales allow sellers to defer federal capital gains taxes by spreading the payments from the sale over time. However, they differ significantly in their structure and benefits.

A conventional installment sale is a direct transaction between the seller and the buyer. The seller finances the purchase for the buyer, who makes payments over time. This method allows the seller to recognize gain and pay taxes only on the payments received each year.

In contrast, a deferred sales trust involves a third party. The seller transfers the appreciated asset to the DST in exchange for an installment contract. The DST then sells the asset to the buyer and receives the full payment. This structure offers greater flexibility and control to the seller.

Tax Implications of a Deferred Sales Trust vs. Installment Sale

Understanding the tax implications of these strategies is crucial for making an informed decision. Some of the key aspects include:

Flexibility in Payment Terms

In a conventional installment sale, the payment schedule is typically fixed at the time of purchase. This arrangement offers limited flexibility to adjust to changing financial needs or market conditions.

On the other hand, a deferred sales trust offers greater flexibility in payment terms. The seller can control when to begin receiving payments and adjust the payment schedule over time, allowing for better tax planning and financial management.

Risk Management and Asset Protection

With conventional installment sales, the seller bears the risk of buyer default and property depreciation. If the buyer fails to make payments, the seller may need to undergo a costly and time-consuming foreclosure process.

Deferred sales trusts provide better asset protection because the trust holds and manages the sale proceeds. This reduces the seller’s exposure to buyer default risk and allows for investment diversification.

Estate Planning and Wealth Transfer

A conventional installment sale may create complications for estate planning, as the installment note becomes part of the seller’s estate.

Conversely, a deferred sales trust can be structured to facilitate smoother wealth transfer to heirs, potentially reducing estate taxes and providing a more efficient means of passing on assets to future generations.

Investment Diversification

With a conventional installment sale, the seller’s investment remains tied to the single asset sold and the buyer’s ability to make payments.

A deferred sales trust allows for diversification of investments using the sale proceeds, potentially leading to more substantial long-term returns and reduced risk.

Pros and Cons of Installment Sales and Deferred Sales Trusts

To help you better understand these options, it is worth examining their advantages and disadvantages.

Conventional Installment Sale

The pros of conventional installment sales include a simpler structure, direct control over the transaction, and the potential for higher interest income.

The cons of conventional installment sales include limited flexibility in payment terms, higher risk of buyer default, lack of investment diversification, and potential complications in estate planning.

Deferred Sales Trust

The pros of deferred sales trusts include greater flexibility in payment terms, enhanced asset protection, investment diversification opportunities, potential estate planning benefits, and better control over tax planning.

The cons of deferred sales trusts include their more complex structure, higher setup and management costs, the need for careful trust management, and the possibility of increased IRS scrutiny.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me Decide Which Option Is Best?

When it comes to your own situation, understanding the benefits and drawbacks of deferred sales trusts and conventional installment sales requires informed guidance. At Pennington Law, PLLC, our experienced estate planning attorneys can assist in the following key areas:

Legal Compliance

We can ensure that your chosen strategy complies with all relevant laws and regulations, including the Internal Revenue Code Section 453, which governs installment sales. Our attorneys stay current on the latest legal developments to protect your interests.

Tax Guidance

Our team works closely with tax professionals to provide comprehensive advice on the tax implications of each option. We will support your ability to make informed decisions by helping you understand how these strategies can affect your current and future tax liability.

Drafting Agreements

Whether you choose a conventional installment sale or a deferred sales trust, our attorneys will draft robust, legally sound agreements that protect your interests and clearly outline the terms of the transaction.

Asset Protection Strategies

We help you implement effective asset protection strategies, which are particularly important when using a deferred sales trust. Our lawyers can advise on trust structure and management to maximize the protection of your assets.

Estate Planning Integration

Our comprehensive understanding of Arizona estate planning allows us to seamlessly integrate your chosen strategy into your overall estate plan. We help ensure your asset sale aligns with your long-term wealth transfer and estate planning goals.

Contact Our Deferred Sales Trust Attorneys Today

Choosing between a deferred sales trust and a conventional installment sale is a significant financial decision that can have long-lasting implications for your wealth and estate. With so much at stake, many investors need help deciding which route to take. At Pennington Law, PLLC, we are committed to providing you with the guidance you need to make the best choice for your unique situation.

Our skilled estate planning attorneys have years of experience helping clients make complex financial and legal decisions. Contact Pennington Law, PLLC today for a free consultation. Let us help you explore your options, understand the implications, and make a decision that secures your financial future and protects your legacy.