Author: Pennington Law, PLLC
Author: Pennington Law, PLLC

Estate planning is important for everyone, but for Arizona grandparents, it can be particularly important. Grandparents may want to ensure that their wealth and assets are distributed according to their wishes after they pass away, and they may also want to provide for their grandchildren’s future financial needs. Create a Will A will is a […]

Estate planning is essential for anyone who wants to ensure their assets are distributed according to their wishes after they pass away. However, estate planning can be especially important for Arizona grandparents, as they often have unique age-related concerns and goals that should be considered when creating an estate plan. Many grandparents want to leave […]

When an Arizona resident drafts their last will and testament, choosing the person who will serve as the executor of their estate is one of the most important decisions they make. Executors are tasked with guiding the estate through the probate process, which is sometimes quite complex. During probate, the court validates the decedent’s will, […]

Generation-skipping trusts may appeal to older individuals or couples in Arizona with large estates. If you have substantial sums to transfer to future generations, a trust that gives to your grandchildren or other qualifying beneficiaries instead of your children can reduce or eliminate federal estate taxes. Federal Estate Tax Exemptions Currently, federal law allows an […]

Many people think that getting their affairs in order is simply about planning for their demise. However, today’s decisions will affect an individual and their family’s wealth and prosperity at every stage of life in Arizona. That’s why an integral part of estate planning should focus on strategically growing and preserving one’s assets. Factors that […]

Arizona residents set up their estate plans with the hope of being able to take care of their families for years to come. However, many estate plans are impacted by things beyond the person’s control – such as inflation. Over time, the cost of living will go up due to inflation. As the cost of […]

Retirement is a big transition for many individuals and couples, but when you’re part of a blended family, parents plus children from previous marriages, estate planning in Arizona becomes even more complex. Retirement should be a time to relax and enjoy life. Still, suppose the proper steps aren’t taken to ensure everyone in your family is […]

There are a few unique benefits that an asset protection trust offers, but it also comes with some drawbacks. One purpose of this type of trust is to shield your assets from Arizona creditors while offering you protection from lawsuits. Revocable Versus Irrevocable Trusts This trust type is irrevocable. When you transfer assets into this […]

A power of attorney is a legal document that allows an individual to designate another person to act on their behalf in matters related to legal, financial and healthcare decisions. While many Arizona residents may not give much thought to a power of attorney, it can be essential in ensuring that your wishes are followed […]

A last will and testament is a fundamental part of an estate plan. Your will expresses your directions for how your property will be managed and distributed upon your death. Although a properly executed will is usually enforced, your will may be contested by heirs or other parties asserting that it is legally deficient or […]