Author: Pennington Law, PLLC
Author: Pennington Law, PLLC

One of the questions you might get asked as the executor of a deceased person’s estate is, “Can’t you make it go any faster?” Probate can take time, which can sometimes prove frustrating for beneficiaries waiting to get the assets they believe they are due. Some things are beyond your control. For example, if a […]

In the realm of estate planning with trusts, ensuring the longevity and integrity of your trust is paramount. One crucial step in safeguarding them is to appoint a trust protector in your trust documents. While many people are familiar with trustees, the concept of a trust protector might be less understood yet equally important. Following […]

Does the estate planning conversation sound awkward? Maybe you’ve been wondering if your parents have a plan or not. But you don’t know how to bring it up because anything that you say just sounds like you’re asking them when you’re going to get your inheritance. Many people find themselves in this position. They don’t […]

Complex assets and specific legacy wishes are both frequently reasons that people decide to create trusts. Those with businesses might potentially fall into both categories. The company that they own and operate may be a very valuable asset. They may also have specific plans for the legacy they leave for others, especially regarding the business. […]

A power of attorney is a designation that you can give to a person so they can take care of your finances or health care decisions if you’re incapacitated. You must choose the proper person to handle each of those areas to protect your interests. There are a few different characteristics that are important for […]

Wealth preservation is one of the goals of estate planning. For some, the wealth they have may be suitable to pass down to multiple generations. One option to do this in Arizona is through dynasty trusts. This is a type of irrevocable trust, so the creator loses control of the assets once the trust is […]

Accruing wealth can occur over the course of years of hard work or may result from a sudden windfall. Unfortunately, too many people become complacent after achieving financial success. They may fail to properly plan to preserve their good fortune. Acquiring wealth is only the first step toward long-term financial stability. People also have to […]

Estate plans in Arizona can be complex collections of multiple documents. Testators can draft documents discussing their estates and arranging for their care as they age. Other times, the only document a testator creates prior to their death is a will. Wills give testators an opportunity to choose their beneficiaries and bequeath them specific assets. […]

Were you asked to be the executor for a family member’s or friend’s estate? Then you were given a very important role, likely, because you are trusted and responsible. However, do you know what it takes to be an executor? The executor’s role is to settle an estate once the testator passes away. The executor […]

A trust is a legal document that allows you to manage the distribution of your estate after you pass away. A trust is arranged with a trustee who is responsible for overseeing and managing trust funds. A trustee will, typically, distribute assets to beneficiaries after you pass away. Revocable trusts are commonly added to estate […]