Author: Pennington Law, PLLC

Arizona estate planning attorneys

Approximately 49 percent of men and 64 percent of women reaching age 65 today will need long-term care in their lifetime. But affording it can be a challenge. For some, long-term care insurance can be an effective way to prepare for future healthcare needs without breaking the bank. While long-term care planning can seem overwhelming, […]

Medicaid Planning

Many older adults rely on Medicaid to help cover medical expenses, long-term care needs, and nursing home assistance as they age. However, eligibility for Medicaid is need-based. Applicants must show that their income and assets fall below certain levels to qualify. People whose assets are valued above Medicaid’s eligibility limits find themselves in an awkward […]

Arizona’s Medicaid Program for Long-Term Care

Everyone should consider potential long-term care needs when planning their estates. Long-term care includes medical and support services for routine tasks such as dressing, bathing, and eating, which can be provided at home or in a professional setting such as a nursing home or assisted living facility. But without proper planning, the costs of long-term […]

Charitable Contributions After Divorce

Divorces in Arizona are often complex and stressful. This is especially true when there are disputes about child custody and the division of assets. Charitable contributions can also become complex during a divorce, and this is because most charitable contributions get made on behalf of the couple while married; however, this is no longer the […]

Charitable Estate Planning Arizona

Estate planning is not just about securing the future for your loved ones; it’s an opportunity to extend your compassion beyond your lifetime. Charitable giving through your estate plan adds a deeply fulfilling dimension to your legacy, allowing you to make a lasting impact on causes dear to your heart. Expressive Giving: Including a charitable […]

Why Estate Planning Matters in Arizona

Estate planning serves as a crucial step in securing your legacy and protecting the well-being of your loved ones. It involves the creation of legal documents designed to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your dependents are cared for in the manner you desire. Among these documents, the last will […]

Comprehensive Estate Planning in Arizona Safeguarding Your Pets' Future

As an Arizona resident, ensuring the well-being of your beloved pets is a vital component of your estate planning strategy. With over 80 million households owning pets nationwide, it’s clear that our furry companions hold a special place in our hearts. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can include your pets in your estate […]

Inheritance Protection Trusts

Navigating the intricate landscape of estate planning in Arizona demands a strategic approach to wealth preservation. In the pursuit of comprehensive financial security, individuals turn to Inheritance Protection Trusts, expertly crafted by the esteemed Arizona Estate Planning attorney, Pennington Law. Uniting legal prowess with a deep understanding of Arizona law, these trusts offer a robust […]

4 Reasons You Need a Trust in Arizona for Effective Estate Planning

In the state of Arizona, strategic estate planning plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your wealth is passed on to your beneficiaries according to your precise wishes. Among the myriad of tools available for estate planning, trusts emerge as one of the most flexible and robust solutions. Let’s delve deeper into the top four […]

Getting your children involved in your estate planning in Arizona

The essence of creating an estate plan in Arizona is to pass on your legacy to your kids so that they can continue improving or building on what you started. Therefore, it’s only wise to bring them on board when making these crucial decisions. Here’s how to go about it. Have a serious conversation about […]