Getting your children involved in your estate planning in Arizona

The essence of creating an estate plan in Arizona is to pass on your legacy to your kids so that they can continue improving or building on what you started. Therefore, it’s only wise to bring them on board when making these crucial decisions. Here’s how to go about it. Have a serious conversation about […]

Rules for Inherited IRAs Arizona

Many Arizona residents include individual retirement accounts in their estate plans. These tax-deferred accounts allow people’s savings to grow without being taxed until they reach age 70 1/2 or begin making withdrawals. Because of this, people who make regular contributions to their IRAs throughout adulthood can save significantly, depending on whether they make the maximum […]

Tax Efficiency in Estate Planning Arizona

You worked hard and made sound financial decisions throughout your life. Now, you want to pass along as much of the wealth you’ve accumulated as possible to the next generation. Tax efficiency is a crucial element of your estate plan. At Pennington Law, PLLC, we help Arizona residents build comprehensive estate plans incorporating effective tax […]

digital estate planning

In today’s digital age, protecting your online assets through estate planning is more important than ever. Online assets include social media accounts, digital photos, emails, and cryptocurrency. Accessing these assets after someone dies can be challenging or even impossible without proper planning. If you have substantial digital assets, an experienced estate planning lawyer can help […]

Strategizing Family Heirloom Bequests to Prevent Disputes

In the intricate landscape of leaving behind valuable family heirlooms, the process of bequeathing these treasures to your children and beneficiaries requires careful consideration. Allocating items of significant value among multiple heirs can be a nuanced endeavor, and to navigate this process with finesse, it’s essential to explore thoughtful options. Here are detailed insights into […]

Securing Generational Wealth in Arizona

Wealthy families in Arizona recognize the importance of preserving the wealth they have diligently procured to ensure a prosperous legacy for their descendants. However, maintaining wealth is not a guarantee, and proactive measures are essential to safeguard family assets. In collaboration with your trusted Arizona Estate Planning Attorney, let’s explore effective strategies to protect and […]

Fostering Family

The holiday season in Arizona is a cherished time marked by gatherings, shared meals, and the joy of opening presents with loved ones. Amidst the festivities, Pennington Law, your trusted Arizona Estate Planning Attorney, encourages you to consider and engage in crucial discussions about the future of your estate during this special time. Facilitating Honest […]

Estate Planning Attorney Andre Pennington

When meticulously crafting your estate plan in Arizona, a pivotal decision revolves around choosing the right individual or entity to oversee your assets during times of illness, incapacity, or after your passing. This entrusted figure, known as your attorney-in-fact, plays a crucial role in executing your wishes as if you were able to do so […]

Charitable Trust Arizona

Aspiring to leave a lasting impact on the world or cultivate a benevolent legacy for your loved ones? Embarking on the journey of creating a philanthropic trust in Arizona, including the strategic use of Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts (CRATs) and Charitable Remainder Unitrusts (CRTs), could be the perfect path forward. Whether your goal is to […]

Embarking on estate planning in Arizona requires a nuanced approach, particularly when it comes to transferring real estate assets to heirs. At Pennington Law, our seasoned Arizona estate planning attorneys specialize in navigating the intricacies of these processes, ensuring your legacy is protected through strategic planning. How to Transfer Real Estate to a Trust: A […]